I’ve got a bit of a thing for the Raspberry Pi. At one point I had five or six. I’m a bit of a smart home enthusiast, and I have a Raspberry Pi running Kodi (formerly XBMC) for both TVs at home. They both look at a server for all their audio and video content. When my wife and I initially moved into our home, knowing that I was a bit of a technology geek, she told me that “you can do anything you want in the house, as long as I can’t see the wires”. Challenge accepted. A couple of false walls later, there were two TVs mounted on walls with no trace of the wires. Everything ran up to the loft and was terminated in a 19-inch rack. Including two Windows 7 PCs running XBMC. Last year I migrated away from the PCs to Raspberry Pi setups. Partly for space and partly for power consumption reduction. Continue reading
Daily Archives: May 3, 2015
Hotting Up With Hive
I love gadgets, I’m lazy, and I live in Scotland, where it’s cold. All the time. So, if there was a gadget which could keep me warm while also encouraging my laziness, you’d think I’d be on board with it, wouldn’t you? If you answered ‘yes’, then you’d be correct! Although it has been available since 2013, I’ve only recently decided to get Hive by British Gas.